
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Susu Kambing Etawa Super E Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI

Selamat Datang Di Susu Kambing Etawa Super E Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI

Segera Hubungi:
Ibu Septi Wulandari S.Kom
Alamat : Panti Rejo Rt 01 Rw 03 Jl. Raya Grogol, Grogol, Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Surakarta, Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI Tengah 57552 (Pasar Grogol)
Kunjungi website kami
Cek website resmi BPOM
Nomor : MD 805012009015

Susu Kambing Etawa Super E merupakan produk herbal berkualitas tinggi dari bahan baku Susu Kambing Etawa yang diproses dengan teknologi khusus sehingga menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas terbaik. Rasa dan aromanya tidak berbau amis. Susu Kambing Etawa sudah terbukti sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu memiliki manfaat dan khasiat dalam membantu pengobatan berbagai macam penyakit. Kami sebagai Produsen Susu Kambing Etawa Super E Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI, ingin memperkenalkan produk Susu Kambing Etawa bubuk unggulan kami yang bermerk SUPER E. Telah mendapat sertifikat ijin resmi BPOM RI MD 805012009015 ( cek website resmi BPOM, ) yang berarti produk Susu Kambing Etawa Super E telah lulus uji baik dari kandungan, bahan hingga kehalalannya sehingga tidak akan ada kekhawatiran yang dirasakan oleh distributor dan agen kami saat memasarkan produk Susu Kambing Etawa Super E di setiap wilayah mereka khususnya di Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI.

Kami menggunakan bahan baku maupun bahan campuran yang alami dalam proses pengolahan Susu Kambing Etawa cair menjadi bubuk. Memilih bahan baku Susu Kambing Etawa murni hasil perah langsung dari induk kambing etawa pilihan dan berkualitas yang diternak secara organik di peternakan terbesar di Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI. Menggunakan bahan campuran alami yang sangat penting dalam proses pengolahan hingga menjadi bubuk, yaitu Non-Dairy Creamer, bahan alami tersebut adalah minyak nabati yang diperoleh dari kelapa sawit pilihan, berguna sebagai penghilang bau prengus atau bau tak sedap dari Susu Kambing Etawa cair sehingga memiliki aroma harum saat susu menjadi bubuk, terasa lezat saat diminum, tidak menyebabkan kolesterol dan aman bagi penderita kolesterol. Serta menggunakan bahan Gula Jagung yang berfungsi sebagai pemanis alami yang tidak menimbulkan diabetes dan aman dikonsumsi oleh penderita diabetes, juga berfungsi sebagai pengawet alami yang membuat Susu Kambing Etawa Super E memiliki masa exp 15-20 bulan.

Diolah lansung oleh Pusat Pabrik Pengolahan Susu Kambing Etawa ternama di Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI, diproses secara teliti yang diawasi dan ditangani langsung oleh ahli yang berpengalaman menggunakan mesin canggih yang tak lepas dari perawatan sehingga tetap steril dan hasil produk tetap higienis. Tanpa campuran bahan - bahan kimia berbahaya sehingga aman bagi tubuh dan kandungan yang terdapat dalam Susu Kambing Etawa Super E tetap memberikan manfaat dan khasiat luar biasa bagi yang mengkonsumsinya. Berikut kandungan senyawa yang terdapat dalam Susu Kambing Etawa Super E:

Menurut hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh United State Departement of Agriculture (USDA) menunjukkan gizi Susu Kambing Etawa mendekati komposisi sempurna ASI. Setiap 100 gram Susu Kambing Etawa mengandung 3-4% protein, 4-7% lemak, 4,5% karbohidrat, 134 gram kalsium dan 111 g fosfor. Komposisi kimiawi Susu Kambing Etawa mengandung protein, lemak, karbohidrat, kalori, kalsium, fosfor, magnesium, besi, natrium, kalium, vitamin A,B1 (IU), B2 (mg), B6, B12, C, D, E, Niacin, V, Asam Pantotenant, Kolin dan Inositol. Anak yang mengkomsumsi Susu Kambing Etawa memiliki kepadatan tulang yang baik, kadar hemoglobin meningkat, serta kecukupan vitamin A, B1, B2 dan B3 yang penting bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan sel otak dan saraf. Asam amino yang mengandung unsur belerang metionin, sistin dan sistein penting untuk membangun kesehatan otak dan sistem saraf, serta berperan dalam pembentukan sel darah penawar racun (detoksifikasi) bahan bahan kimia berbahaya yang masuk ke dalam tubuh.

Dengan kayanya nutrisi dan gizi tersebut, tidak diragukan lagi Susu Kambing Etawa Super E akan sangat pasti memberikan manfaat dan khasiat luar biasa bagi tubuh. Susu Kambing Etawa adalah salah satu obat terbaik untuk membangun kemCv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI jaringan otak, sel-sel tubuh, sistim saraf, dan kemampuan mental. Susu Kambing Etawa bermanfaat bagi kesehatan karena memiliki protein lengkap dari semua jenis asam amino esensial tanpa kandungan lemak sebesar susu sapi. Molekul-molekul lemaknya hanya sebesar 1/9 ukuran molekul susu sapi, sehingga lebih mudah dicerna. Orang-orang yang alergi dengan susu sapi bisa meminum Susu Kambing Etawa tanpa masalah. Alergi terhadap susu sapi dapat ditemukan pada orang-orang yang memiliki kondisi seperti infeksi telinga kronis, asma, eksim, dan artritis. Meminum Susu Kambing Etawa dapat mengurangi gejala penyakit-penyakit tersebut. Membantu pula dalam pencernaan dan mentralisir asam lambung. Sebagai terapi penyembuhan penderita asma, TBC dan infeksi paru-paru akut menahun. Membantu mengobati alergi pada kulit dan organ tubuh lainnya. Menambah stamina dan daya tahan tubuh. Mengatasi masalah impotensi/ frigiditas serta meningkatkan vitalitas pria dan wanita dewasa. Berkhasiat untuk penderita kelainan fungsi ginjal atau dalam dunia medis disebut dengan neprotic sindrom.

Berkhasiat sebagai terapi penyembuhan asam urat. Berkhasiat untuk pembentukan tulang, sangat dianjurkan bagi mereka yang menderita reumatik dan mencegah kerapuhan tulang/ osteophorosis. Membantu untuk memberikan asupan nutrisi dan gangguan metabolisme tubuh lainnya. Membantu menyehatkan dan menghaluskan kulit dari dalam. Susu Kambing Etawa tidak berisi protein kompleks yang merangsang reaksi alergi seperti pada susu sapi. Susu Kambing Etawa tidak menekan sistem kekebalan. Susu Kambing Etawa membasakan sistem pencernaan. Susu ini berisi alkali basa sehingga tidak menghasilkan asam dalam sistem usus. Susu Kambing Etawa membantu meningkatkan pH aliran darah. Susu Kambing Etawa mengandung asam lemak seperti asam kaprilat dan kaprat yang sangat antimikroba. (Mereka benar-benar membunuh bakteri yang digunakan untuk menguji keberadaan antibiotik dalam susu sapi!) Susu Kambing Etawa tidak menimbulkan lendir dan  tidak merangsang respons pertahanan sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia. Susu Kambing Etawa merupakan sumber yang kaya mineral selenium sebagai nutrisi yang diperlukan untuk kekebalan tubuh dan bersifat antioksidan.

Maka dari itu, kami selaku Produsen Susu Kambing Etawa Super E Bubuk Organik membuka peluang usaha bagi anda untuk menjadi mitra Susu Kambing Etawa Super E di seluruh wilayah Indonesia khususnya di Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI dengan harga murah, terpercaya dan berkualitas. Peluang usaha untuk Agen dan Distributor Susu Kambing Etawa Super E Bubuk Organik dengan potongan harga menarik dari harga jual di lapangan yang eceran/per kotak (harga tertinggi) @ Rp.35.000,- Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI dan @ Rp.40.000 Luar Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI. Dan akan mendapatkan beberapa fasilitas yang menunjang berpromosi: brosur, spanduk, hak wilayah dan spesial free ongkir (Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI & Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI). Dicari Distributor dan Agen Susu Kambing Etawa Super E di Seluruh Wilayah Indonesia dengan memenuhi syarat mudah, untuk Agen melakukan order minimal 100 kotak dan untuk Distributor melakukan pemesanan minimal 1000 kotak. Sangat mudah bukan...

Pusat Pabrik Susu Kambing Etawa Super E Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI Terbaik. Membuka Peluang Usaha Susu Kambing Etawa Super E Bubuk Organik Merek Super E BPOM MD 805012009015 - Aman Dan Berkualitas. Jual Susu Kambing Etawa Super E Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI Menerima ORDER Eceran, Distributor & Agen Harga Grosir Kualitas Terjamin, Aman & Halal. Melayani Pengirim Dari Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI Keseluruh Wilayah Indonesia via JNE, TIKI, POS Indonesia, dll. Untuk anda yang berdomisili di Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI dan sekitarnya, jika ingin berkunjung lansung untuk membeli atau mendaftar sebagai Distributor / Agen atau hanya sekedar mencari informasi seputar Susu Kambing Etawa Super E, silahkan datang langsung ke alamat : Panti Rejo Rt 01 Rw 03 Jl. Raya Grogol, Grogol, Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Surakarta, Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI Tengah 57552 (Pasar Grogol) dengan menghubungi terlebih dahulu, Ibu Septi Wulandari S.Kom: 087836666947 PIN:26634bbe.

Kami sebagai Produsen dan Supplier Susu Kambing Etawa Super E Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI bersama Para Distributor dan Agen Susu Kambing Etawa Super E di Seluruh Wilayah Indonesia khususnya di Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI, selalu saling bekerjasama dengan para Produsen, Supplier, Distributor dan Agen Susu Kambing Etawa terkenal, seperti Susu Kambing Etawa Aliifa, Susu Kambing Etawa Provit, Susu Kambing Etawa Gomars dan masih banyak lagi yang juga berekspedisi di Cv.Umskey Lengkap dengan Ijin Bpom & Halal MUI maupun di kota - kota lain. Dengan selalu berpegang pada etika dalam berbisnis, sehingga satu dengan yang lainnya bisa saling menghargai dan menghormati pada sesama pengusaha.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Call Recorder – Total Recall 1.8.9 APK

Requirements:Android 1.6 and up
Overview:Call Recorder Application | Record Calls & Voice Notes Easily & Automatically!

Total Recall is a Powerful Call Recorder App. Extensive call recording capabilities allow you to automatically or manually record your calls, but Total Recall also serves as a capable & feature rich voice recorder utility, perfect for recording short voice notes, reminders, lectures, meetings and more!

*** Full Featured 14 Day Trial Available at ***

NOTE: The ability to record both sides of the call is not possible on all Android devices. Some devices will only record the caller audio at very low levels (from the mic), others will record both sides of the call perfectly, while others simply are not capable of call recording. Also, due to system limitations, if your device runs low on resources, the call will not record, so it’s suggested to minimize apps running in the background when using Total Recall.


TIP for Root Users: We’ve added a brand new setting for Root users to help prevent application shut down & improve stability & performance!

>>> Devices that users have confirmed support call recording (in some cases the caller audio is recorded from the mic at low volume (but can be improved by using the speakerphone), as noted):

- Acer Liquid 100
- Dell Streak 5 (reported on Android 2.2.2 using Strategy C)
- Droid Eris (caller audio via Mic/Speakerphone only)
- Droid Incredible (caller audio via Mic/Speakerphone only)
- Evo Shift (caller audio via Mic/Speakerphone only)
- G1
- Goapple 3G (recording strategy B)
- General Mobile DSTL1
- HTC Desire (caller audio via Mic/Speakerphone only)
- HTC Desire HD (caller audio via Mic/Speakerphone only)
- HTC Deisre Z (caller audio via Mic/Speakerphone only)
- HTC Dream
- HTC Evo
- HTC Hero (Using recording strategy C)
- HTC Legend (caller audio via Mic/Speakerphone only)
- HTC Magic (caller audio via Mic/Speakerphone only)
- HTC Tattoo
- HTC Sensation
- HTC Wildfire (caller audio via Mic/Speakerphone only)
- Huawei IDEOS U8150 (T-Mobile Comet) (caller audio via Mic/Speakerphone only)
- LG GT540 (reported on OS 1.6 & 2.3.4)
- LG GW620 (reported on OS 1.6)
- LG Optimus C (LG-LW690) (Using recording strategy B)
- LG Optimus One (reported on OS 2.2)
- Meizu M9
- Motorola Charm
- Motorola Defy (Chinese mainland version ME525)
- NEW! Motorola Milestone 2 (OS. 2.2)
- Motorola XT701
- MyTouch
- Samsung Captivate (caller audio via Mic/Speakerphone only)
- Samsung Epic 4G Touch (Sprint)
- Samsung Galaxy 5 (using strategy B)
- NEW! Samsung Galaxy S (running OS 2.3 using recording strategy C)
- Samsung Galaxy S (South Korean version SHW-M110S, with firmware DH09 or newer)
- NEW! Samsung Galaxy S 2
- Samsung Galaxy Tab (running 2.2 & 2.3)
- Samsung Vibrant (partially confirmed, please test first!)
- Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 / X10 Mini / X10 Pro / X8 (May need to set to Auto Dictaphone Recording)
- Sony Ericsson Xperia X12 / Arc / Anzu
- Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro (MK16i) using Strategy A
- NEW! Spice Mi 310 (use recording strategy B)
- ZTE Blade (use recording strategy B)

Will NOT record Calls On the Motorola Droid, Droid X, Droid 2, Nexus One/S, Many Galaxy Variants and other devices. Some devices will not record calls while using a Bluetooth Headset.


Killer Features Include:

- Automatically or Manually Record Phone Calls
- Very flexible call recording scenarios
- Easy recording of Voice Notes
- Intuitively Named Clips which include the Number and or Contact Name
- Widget for one button recording
- Remote Sound Recording via SMS
- Supports various audio formats
- Automatically or manually Send recorded call audio via Email & Evernote

Just Another Killer App by Killer Mobile (R)!

** Please confirm the legality of call recording in your local jurisdiction prior to use.

Call Recorder - Total Recall

Brandi Passante Storage Wars HD 02 06 11

Brandi Passante Storage Wars HD 02 06 11

Brandi from Storage Wars was a stripper and has a.....

mugshot. A lot of people on this site watch Storage Wars. One of the gossip sites I frequent says that somebody is shopping pictures around to the highest bidder of Brandi from her stripper days. Anyways here is her mugshot. Will post more info when I find it.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

PMPC Star Awards 2011 (TV) List of Winners

PMPC Star Awards 2011: ABS-CBN wins big
The 25th Philippine Movie Press Club (PMPC) Star Awards for TV was successfully held Tuesday evening at the Newport Performing Arts Theater in Resorts World Manila. The event was hosted by Kapamilya hunk Piolo Pascual and beauty queen Shamcey Supsup.

ABS-CBN emerged as this year's big winner as it bagged 26 trophies, including "Best TV Station", for the third consecutive time. GMA-7, meanwhile, had 15 awards while TV 5 received six. Studio 23, UNTV 37, and NET 25 got three, two and one, respectively.

The PMPC also gave special recognition to Nora Aunor, German “Kuya Germs” Moreno, Jessica Soho and Susan Roces.

The event will have its telecast on ABS-CBN on Sunday, November 27, 2011.

Check out below the complete list of winners of the PMPC Star Awards for TV 2011:

Best Children Show: “Art Angel” (GMA-7)
Best Children Show Host: Tonipet Gaba and Roxanne Barcelo, “Art Angel” (GMA-7)
Best Educational Program: “Matanglawin (ABS-CBN)
Best Educational Program Host: Kim Atienza, “Matanglawin” (ABS-CBN)
Best Travel Show: “Trip Na Trip” (ABS-CBN)
Best Travel Show Host: Kat de Castro, Jason Gainza, Franzen Fajardo, and Kian Kazemi, “Trip Na Trip” (ABS-CBN)
Best Lifestyle Show: “Us Girls” (Studio 23)
Best Lifestyle Show Host: Angel Aquino, Iya Villania, and Cheska Garcia-Kramer, “Us Girls” (Studio 23)
Best Morning Show: “Umagang Kay Ganda” (ABS-CBN)
Best Morning Show Host: Anthony Taberna, Bernadette Sembrano, Alex Santos, Donita Rose, Winnie Cordero, Iya Villania, Andrei Felix, and Venus Raj, “Umagang Kay Ganda” (ABS-CBN)
Best Youth-Oriented Show: “Reel Love Presents: Tween Hearts” (GMA-7)
Best New Male TV Personality: Teejay Marquez and Derrick Monasterio, both for “Reel Love Presents: Tween Hearts” (GMA-7)
Best New Female TV Personality: Jillian Ward, “Trudis Liit” (GMA-7)
Best Horror or Fantasy Program: “Wansapanataym" (ABS-CBN)
Best Public Affairs Program: “The Bottomline with Boy Abunda” (ABS-CBN)
Best Public Affairs Program Host: Boy Abunda, “The Bottomline” (ABS-CBN)
Best Magazine Show: “Rated K” (ABS-CBN)
Best Magazine Show Host: Korina Sanchez, “Rated K” (ABS-CBN)
Best Documentary Program: “I-Witness” (GMA-7)
Best Documentary Program Host: Kara David, Jay Taruc, Howie Severino, and Sandra Aguinaldo, “I-Witness” (GMA-7)
Best Documentary Special: “Pluma: Rizal, Ang Dakilang Manunulat” (GMA News TV)
Best Public Service Program: “Bitag” (UNTV 37)
Best Public Service Program Host: Atty. Presida Acosta, “Public Atorni” (TV5)
Best News Program: “24 Oras” (GMA-7)
Best Male Newscaster: Anthony Taberna, “Iba-Balita ni Anthony Taberna” (Studio 23)
Best Female Newscaster: Vicky Morales, “Saksi” (GMA-7)
Best Talent Search Program: “Talentadong Pinoy” (TV5) and “Showtime” (ABS-CBN)
Best Talent Search Program Host: Luis Manzano and Billy Crawford, “Pilipinas Got Talent” (ABS-CBN)
Best Game Show: “Panahon Ko 'To!: Ang Game Show Ng Buhay Ko” (ABS-CBN)
Best Game Show Host: Vic Sotto, “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” (TV5)
Best Celebrity Talk Show: “Moments” (NET 25)
Best Celebrity Talk Show Host: Janice de Belen, “Spoon” (NET 25)
Best Showbiz-Oriented Show: “The Buzz” (ABS-CBN)
Best Male Showbiz-Oriented Show Host: Luis Manzano, “E-Live” (ABS-CBN)
Best Female Showbiz-Oriented Show Host: Cristy Fermin, “Paparazzi” (TV5)
Best Gag Show: “Bubble Gang” (GMA-7)
Best Variety Show: “Willing Willie” (TV5)
Best Musical Variety Show: “ASAP Rocks” (ABS-CBN)
Best Male TV Host: Allan K, “Eat Bulaga!” (GMA-7)
Best Female TV Host: Toni Gonzaga, “ASAP Rocks” (ABS-CBN)
Best Drama Mini-Series: “Agimat: Ang Mga Alamat ni Ramon Revilla Presents Kapitan Inggo” (ABS-CBN)
Best Daytime Drama Series: “Little Star” (GMA-7)
Best Comedy Show: “Pepito Manaloto” (GMA-7)
Best Comedy Actor: Ogie Alcasid, “Bubble Gang” (GMA-7)
Best Comedy Actress: Ai Ai delas Alas, “M3: Malay Mo Ma-develop” (ABS-CBN)
Best Drama Anthology: “Untold Stories Mula Sa Face To Face” (TV5)
Best Primetime TV Series: “Minsan Lang Kita Iibigin” (ABS-CBN)
Best Single Performance by an Actor: Enchong Dee, “Maalaala Mo Kaya (MMK) “Parol” episode (ABS-CBN)
Best Single Performance by an Actress: Ai Ai delas Alas, “Maalaala Mo Kaya (MMK) “Krus” episode (ABS-CBN)
Best Drama Actor: Coco Martin, “Minsan Lang Kita Iibigin” (ABS-CBN)
Best Drama Actress: Gretchen Barretto: “Magkaribal” (ABS-CBN)
Best TV Station: ABS-CBN

Special citations

Hall of Fame as Best Male Showbiz-Oriented Show Host: Boy Abunda
Hall of Fame as Best Drama Anthology: “Maalaala Mo Kaya”
Ading Fernando Lifetime Achievement Award: Susan Roces
Excellence in Broadcasting Lifetime Achievement Award: Jessica Soho
Longest-Running Musical Variety Show Award: “Superstar” (RPN-9), hosted by Nora Aunor
Master Star Builder Award: German "Kuya Germs" Moreno

Other special recognitions

Sexiest Celebrity of the Night (Female): Shamcey Supsup
Sexiest Celebrity of the Night (Male): Luis Manzano
Celebrity Skin of the Night: Aiko Melendez
Face of the Night (Male): Piolo Pascual
Face of the Night (Female): KC Concepcion
Star of the Night (Male): Coco Martin
Star of the Night (Female): Toni Gonzaga

Andi Eigenmann welcomes Baby Elli

Andi Eigenmann welcomes Baby Elli
Young actress Andi Eigenmann delivered her first baby via Caesarian section on Wednesday afternoon at St. Luke’s Medical Center Global City in The Fort, Taguig City.

The bouncing baby girl arrived at exactly 5:02 p.m. and weighed 7.8 pounds upon birth. According to Push, Andi named her Gabrielli Andrea whose nickname is "Elli". (Earlier reports said it's Adrianna Gabrielle.)

Andi is now nursing Baby Elli.

Guck will be the baby's last name, the real family name of Andi's mother Jaclyn Jose. Baby Elli's baptism is scheduled on Christmas Day, 2011.

Photo of Baby Elli courtesy of ABS-CBN

49 Days Korean Drama

A young woman named Ji Hyun was enjoying absolute bliss as she was about to be married with her fiancé, but her perfect life is shattered in a car accident that left her in a coma. She is given a second chance at life by a reaper, but it comes with a condition: she has to find three people outside of her family who would cry genuine tears for her. In order to do this, she borrows the body of Yi Kyung, a part-time employee at a convenience store.

Lee Yo Won as Song Yi Kyung
Nam Gyu Ri as Shin Ji Hyun
Jo Hyun Jae as Han Kang
Bae Soo Bin as Kang Min Ho
Jung Il Woo as scheduler
Seo Ji Hye as Shin In Jung
Choi Jung Woo as Shin Il Shik (Ji Hyun’s father)
Yoo Ji In as Ji Hyun’s mother
Bae Geu Rin as Park Seo Woo
Son Byung Ho as Oh Hae Won
Moon Hee Kyung as Bang Hwa Joon
Kang Sung Min as No Kyung Bin
Yoon Bong Gil (???) as Cha Jin Young
Kim Ho Chang as Ki Joon Hee
Jin Ye Sol as Ma Soon Jung
Lee Jong Min (???) as Go Mi Jin

Title: 49? / 49 Il
Genre: Fantasy, romance
Episodes: 20
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2011-Mar-16 to TBA
Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55

49 Days Episode 01 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 02 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 03 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 04 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 05 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 06 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 07 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 08 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 09 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 10 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 11 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 12 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 13 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 14 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 15 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 16 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 17 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 18 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 19 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |
49 Days Episode 20 – Fileserve | Filesonic | Wupload | 450p | 720p |

Get Subtitles HERE or HERE